Saturday, August 16, 2008

Emissary Roman'Khan in Silithus

I stumbled upon a prime target while questing on Elysse in Silithus. I fell in love with the idea of killing this creature. Seriously! I kept going on & on mindlessly about how much I wanted to kill him in guild chat.
So, between all my lunatic rantings & Fal/Grai going on about how tough he had been pre BC, I suppose this aroused some suspicions of my guild mates. Daak was on an alt & he got on his main cuz he wanted to check this "skull" leveled world boss out!
Meet me friend, Emissary Roman'khan.....

So, between me & Daak, we decided to just see what fighting him would be like...

He was SO tempting...SO alluring...

I was SO in shock & awe of this lovely egyptian looking mob........

I had fantasical notions of all the pretty shinies he might drop for me....

Well...we two manned him! LOL!!!! What a bubble burster...I didnt even have to pop form & heal Daak. I stayed in cat form the whole time!
O, & he dropped 33 silver! Are u flippin kidding me Blizz?

1 comment:

ASH said...

We need to teach that egyptian ripoff a lesson!

Onward to Silly-thus!