First, Here's getting Elysse attuned for it...

Turned out, we didnt need her, cuz a mage was what was a DIRE Need for the AoE & this mage can't say no to friends in need. I came in way late due to the fact that I had to work & then bought a bike to ride home that night.

So, I think it was right after this fight, an old friend of mine (Shadow Presit, pretty Feirce) whispers me, "Wow! MC, eh?"
"Yea, I'm having fun with it." How r u? Bla, BLa, Bla... (ya know)
"Just never see anyone in there anymore..."
"Actually, it's one of the great things about this guild. We do old world stuff so others can join. There's not that 'Leetist 70s' feel to things. Fun for more ppl"
"When did U get so PC?"
Bahaha, I lol'd irl :)
"ok, i gotta shut up now, i have to pay attention"
ttyl & all that....

This is where I got shot up in the air & i was in my ice block in the air, just didnt take the pic in time :)
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