Well, the headaches are still there. The nuerologist & the eye doctor I went to both believe I have something called "psuedo tumors." This is brought on by pressure on my brain. My optical nerve is also appearing damaged, from what they can tell. *sigh* I go for an MRI soon as my insurance approves it. Lord have mercy!
Well, being on the computer hurts my head, obviously, so I'm going for now!
Thanks for stopping by :D
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Awww Shrinn I hope it turns out ok
That sucks Shrinn. Really hope you get to the bottom of everything and feel better soon.
Ack! I hope they figure it out (and fix it) soon. I'll be praying for ya. Hope to see ya all patched up and better soon. =D
Muah! I feel da Lurve & I miss you guys! I'll be back soon enough, don't you worry :D
I hope you get better Shrinn. Headaches suck. Good luck with the MRI. /hugs
Hey Squirrelz! Talk abut someone I never see anymore! Yay!
Thanks to you sir & everyone else for stopping by :)
Hey, How come I have to find out about this on your blog page??? Mom
Oooo! Shrinn's in troooouuuuble!
just read BBB's post and thought I'd shout up.
Hope things turn out fine :)
take care
BBB wrote that you may not be feeling all that well. (And that might be an understatement.)
Best wishes for you, and many happy thoughts while the doctors practice. Maybe someday they can say they know what they are doing? :P
I am a long time troll on BBB's blog. I've never posted there or here. Just wanted you to know a fat-butt druid is wishing you well on your medical tribulations and will light a candle to your fast recovery.
OMiGoodness!!!! Thank you all SO very much for your kind thoughts & warm wishes!
Just visiting from the Big Bear Butt site and wanted to wish you well! I hope you get the answers you seek soon and that all is well. Take care!
Bartle - Runetotem
I posted this on TriB's blog, but incase you didn't see it... here's what I said...
"Shrinn will be in my wife and my prayers. I know it must be rough for you right now. My wife went through a similar situation (though it was her back) where we had no clue why she was in so much pain. It took doctors over 3 years to find the problem. Though the problem is fixed, she still has annoying pains every once in awhile. Here is to you Shrinn.... stay strong, keep faith, and trust God for He is good. "
Take care and God bless.
Hope you're feeling better. Followed link from BBB's shack. Have migrain myself but I doubt no where near the severity of yours and too am a fervent WoW player. Feral tank to boot :)
so here /cast Healing Touch on Shrinn
Here's warmest wishes from the world wide web of niceness :)
I hope it all works out for you shrinn. As a long time blog reader of BBB i surely pass by here from time to time too. Lots of well wishes and hopes for you and your husband.
Greetings from belgium
Hineah / chanai
Earthen Ring EU
I too read the furry butt's blog regularly and he and his family are in my tiny book of "good people", and if good people ask you to take a moment to send healsy-thoughts to other good people, I obey.
Shrinn, from what I've read so far you are an amazing, strong and loving woman. I wish you the very very best and hope you will get some good news soon. /hugs Ellende
WOW! I feel so uplifted by all the warm thoughts, prayers & kind words!
Thanks everyone! You're ubber!
I hope everything works out okay, whatever has to happen.
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